NOW ENROLLING FOR CARE FOR 2025 and on! Please contact us to inquire about openings!
​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Infant & Toddler Program
Our infant and toddler program is for children six weeks to two years of age. We strive to provide unconditional love and comfort for these young ones, while helping and watching them grow and develop! We rock, talk, and play with your developing infant in an environment designed to make them feel safe, secure and happy.
As a child grows into the toddler stage we focus more on structure, potty training, learning to run, talk, sing, dance, socialize with friends and so much more are in our everyday lesson plans! At this young age, we focus on helping them become independent, grow their vocabulary, mobility, learning, and love!
Our classrooms in this program are; Moonbeam, Sunshine, Seashell, Seascape, Rainbow and Wilderness.
​Preschool & Pre-K Program
Our program for preschooler's is designed to introduce your child to preschool learning. It includes educational exercises and handwork that will develop both motor and perceptual skills. We will offer Creative Curriculum through books, songs, experiments, games, creative work in painting, coloring, pasting, and dramatization round out a full and exciting program. The program and resources provided for the Creative Curriculum preschool level emphasizes the creation of a suitable learning environment for children and on building lasting and positive relationships between children and families. The preschool level is suited for children ages 3-5 years old and is built around a content-driven curriculum that promotes a child's progress through all their major development milestones.
With our 4 and young 5's we will use Creative Curriculum plus Houghton Mifflin to give your child the learning environment that they will strive in. We also integrate the Des Moines Public preschool calendar and topics to ensure all children are ready for entry into kindergarten. We end our Pre-K year with a graduation ceremony and reception to celebrate your child's achievements and next steps!
Our classrooms in this program are; Explorers, Preschool & Pre-K
School-Age Program
​Color My World understands that your family’s need for safe, supervised care that extends into your child’s elementary school years. We provide an interesting, educational and fun recreation program. Students enjoy a balance of planned activities (arts and crafts, games, group projects) and time to unwind (indoor/outdoor play, reading, drawing). When your school ager attends for a full day, field trips and special events add to the fun. Our school age program is for Kindergarten - the summer following 5th grade. We offer before/after school care, snow day/school breaks and summer care.
Color My World is unique with our center being a bus stop for Carlisle School District. If you child attends Carlisle, they can be picked up and dropped off right at our front doors. We also transport from Studebaker and Jackson Elementary in the Des Moines Public School District for after school care.